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Published in the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Journal by ISHRAE



The current practice is for owners or users hire services providers for operations and maintenance contracts on plant capacity basis with a very general rule of thumb or with marginal increment of rates. While the service provider commits better service, better response time and better complaint management, the client or end user generally feels that there has been under-delivery. The service provider has records of complaint received, attended closure time to prove his performance. While the client feels that he is paying high for the given quality of service, the service provider feels that he are getting paid a pittance and is over-stretching his budgets, and all complaints are getting attended within committed time frame with a few exceptions.

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Infosys, Chennai – Central Chiller Plant Augmentation

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Published in the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Journal by ISHRAE



Infosys Limited, the IT major, has an IT office campus at Mahindra City, Chennai, India. The first office building on the campus was built about 10 years ago. Office buildings have been added progressively over the years and the capacity of the existing chilled water plant had been exhausted. We were engaged to design a new, high efficiency chilled water plant to augment the existing chiller plant and cater to the future demand. The challenge was to design a plant room that would be the most energy efficient for the given weather conditions and also serve as a model for future plant rooms in Infosys.

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